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Global Search Queries

This page documents search queries as understood by our xapian search engine (aka "the global search").

General xapian search query syntax is documented on the xapian website: https://getting-started-with-xapian.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/search/queryparser.html.

The specifics of GeneNetwork's use of xapian differs slightly in the choice of prefixes and special syntax such as the synteny search. The examples below may help to illustrate it.

Free text search

Search for the term "cytochrome" in the free text.


Search for the term "cytochrome" and the term "P450" in the free text (only results that have both are shown):

cytochrome AND P450

Search for occurrences of the term "cytochrome" near the term "P450" in the free text:

cytochrome NEAR P450

Search for the term "cytochrome" in the free text but exclude results that have the term "P450":

cytochrome -P450 cytochrome NOT P450

Boolean filtering

Search for results pertaining to the human species:


Search for results pertaining to the BXD group:


or group:bxd

The above search is case-insensitive.

Search for results pertaining to chromosome 11:


Search for results pertaining to the BXD group and chromosome 11:

group:BXD AND chr:11

Boolean filtering using numerical ranges

Search for results with mean between 5 and 7:


Search for results with mean less than 5:


Search for results with mean greater than 7:


RIF/WIKI search

To do a RIF search you can use the prefixes: RIF: or rif:. Here are some searches you can try out:

rif:Brca2 rif:Brca2 mean:2.4..2.404 rif:isoneuronal mean:12.103..12.105 rif:glioma symbol:shh rif:diabetes

To do a WIKI search you can use the prefixes: WIKI: or wiki:. Here are some example searches:

wiki:nicotine wiki:nicotine mean:12.103..12.105 wiki:addiction species:mouse wiki:nicotine symbol:shh wiki:glioma species:mouse group:bxd dataset:hc_m2_0606_p

Synteny search

Search for results near (+/- 50 kbases) base 9930021 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in other species:


Search for results near (+/- 50 kbases) base 9930021 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in mouse alone:

Hs:chr4:9930021 species:mouse

Search for results between base 9130000 and 9980000 of chromosome 4 of the human species and syntenic locations in mouse alone:

Hs:chr4:9130000..9980000 species:mouse

Alternatively, this same query may be expressed using kilo or mega suffixes:

Hs:chr4:9130k..9980k species:mouse Hs:chr4:9.13M..9.98M species:mouse


Pure `NOT` queries are not supported

Due to performance reasons, pure NOT queries are not supported.

A search such as: NOT author:hager will fail.

You will need to add something to the query to prevent the error, e.g.

species:mouse NOT author:hager